Asking China to pay for COVID-19 is like a spoiled kid crying foul
Some countries are asking China to pay for COVID-19’s damage. What’s the logic behind such demand? Adriel Kasonta, foreign affairs analyst and former chairman of the International Affairs Committee at Bow Group, shares his views on this issue.
Trump administration’s stance on China and WHO is blackmail
On April 14, 2020 U.S. President Donald Trump announced that his administration is halting funds for the World Health Organization (WHO). A week before, he called the organization of being “China-centric.” Adriel Kasonta, foreign affairs analyst and former chairman of the International Affairs Committee at Bow Group, shares his views on these developments.
CrossTalk on Atlantic Alliance: Drifting Apart
The Atlantic Alliance - the bedrock of the post-World War Two global security order – is slowly but surely unraveling. More and more often Washington and Brussels diverge on important foreign policy issues. Today, Europe has a choice: to defend its interests or fade into oblivion.
CrossTalking with Mark Almond, Jonathan Steele, and Adriel Kasonta.
Scope with Waqar Rizvi | US: Trump war powers curbed | Munich Security Conference | Ep 211
Watch Waqar Rizvi conferring with a panel of experts on recent International events in the SCOPE.
1. US: Trump war powers curbed
2. Munich Security Conference
* Farhang Jahanpour - Political Analyst (London)
* David Nyheim – Security Expert (Valletta)
* Maqbool Malik - Analyst (Bonn)
* Adriel Kasonta - Foreign Affairs Analyst (London)
* Klaus Jurgens - Political Analyst (Ankara)
UK-US diplomatic row, migrants and more | Scope | Episode 117 | Indus News
Watch Waqar Rizvi conferring with a panel of experts on recent International events in the SCOPE.
1- Italy closes Europe's biggest migrant centre
2- Spain threatens to fine NGOs if they rescue migrants
3- UK-US diplomatic row
* Mirko Giordani
* Cecilia Emma Sottilotta
* Nuno Rodriguez
* Fabio Parola
* Henry Bolton
* Adriel Kasonta
Boris Johnson accused of throwing Darroch under bus | Scope | Episode 117 | Indus News
US President Donald Trump derided UK Ambassador Kim Darroch for calling him ‘inept’. Political analyst Adriel Kasonta thinks Trump is doing so to malign a well reputed ambassador of the United Kingdom and he is doing so to support PM hopeful Boris Johnson.
Pence warns Turkey against buying Russia’s S-400
The US vice president warns Turkey against buying Russia’s S-400 anti-missile system.
Pence said Turkey’s planned purchase of the Russian defense system poses a great danger to the NATO military alliance. The US vice president said it is deeply troubling that Turkey is moving ahead with the plan, even after Washington offered it the Patriot missile system. The Turkish foreign minister has responded to Pence’s statements, saying Ankara will push ahead with the purchase of the Russian system.
CrossTalk on Ukraine: Comedic Rise
A comedian has won the first round of Ukraine’s presidential election. Volodymyr Zelensky doesn’t have strong policy positions. Maybe that was his greatest appeal. Though he has made it clear: corruption is Ukraine’s biggest challenge. Fixing Ukraine’s very serious problems is no laughing matter.
CrossTalking with Adriel Kasonta, Alexander Mercouris, and John Jordan.
The Debate - Brexit Uncertainty
In disarray, is one way the United Kingdom can be described leading up to its Brexit deadline. After more than two years of negotiations with the European Union, London seems as confused as ever and very uncertain about the direction it should go now. Prime Minister Theresa May maybe about to be removed via a coup by members of her own cabinet. What is next for the UK, Theresa May and the Brexit?
Iran president describes US anti-Iran sanctions as “crimes against humanity”
Iran’s president, Hassan Rouhani, says the country will file a legal case against the United States for imposing sanctions against the Islamic Republic.
Rouhani said, the world must realize that the US sanctions are NOT against the Iranian government or the country’s nuclear program. The sanctions, he added, are against Iranian people, affecting their lives, food and medicine. The Iranian president also said that the bill his administration is preparing specifies measures to counter the U-S actions. Rouhani was speaking to reporters after the last cabinet session in the current Iranian year which will end on Wednesday. He noted that the US is pressuring the Iranian nation to restore its dominance. Rouhani said Washington will not achieve its goal, because the Iranian nation will keep resisting it.
Sources: Theresa May’s #BrexitDeal could be defeated by 100 votes
“We have this #Brexit shambles again” says political analyst Adriel Kasonta as sources suggest Theresa May’s #BrexitDeal could be defeated by 100 votes on Tuesday.
Putin suspends Russia’s participation in INF over US ‘violations’
Russia has officially suspended its participation in the cold-war era nuclear treaty with the United States.
The Kremlin said President Vladimir Putin signed a decree to suspend the INF treaty. It added, the president ordered the treaty to be suspended until Washington stops violating the agreement. According to the Kremlin, Putin has told the Russian foreign ministry to inform signatories to the accord of Russia’s move. The treaty was signed in 1987 between the US and the former Soviet Union. Under the deal, the US and the Soviets would scrap all their Intermediate-Range and Shorter-Range Missiles. But, last year, Washington said it would withdraw from the accord, accusing Russia of violating the agreement. Moscow strongly denies the allegation.
Lima group holds meeting on next steps regarding Venezuela crisis
The European Union has called for avoiding a military intervention in Venezuela.
Maya Kotsianchich said the bloc will condemn any military meddling in the Latin American country. Kotsianchich added the EU will not accept an escalation of tensions in Venezuela. She stressed the EU supports a peaceful and democratic solution that excludes the use of force. Meanwhile, a senior US official has said Vice President Mike Pence is to announce concrete steps and clear actions on the ongoing crisis in Venezuela. Pence is expected to deliver the measures at a summit of the Lima Group in the Colombian capital Bogota. Tensions between Washington and Caracas have worsened in recent days after President Nicolas Maduro blocked the entry of US-supplied humanitarian aid through Brazil and Colombia.
Kasonta: “May is doing Albert Einstein’s definition of insanity”
“What the PM and her government is doing is Albert Einstein’s definition of insanity” says Adriel Kasonta after Theresa May was in Brussels for talks with Jean-Claude Juncker on the Irish backstop.
Putin warns of retaliation if US deployed missiles in Europe
Russian President Vladimir Putin has warned the United States against deploying intermediate-range nuclear weapons in Europe, saying his country will target the US itself and not just the countries where those missiles are stationed.
The Euro made its debut on New Year’s Day in 1999. But at the time it was not just a financial idea. Politics played a major part also. Many of the architects of the currency lived through or witnessed the aftermath of World War Two in Europe.
In 1993 the European Economic Community also known as the Common Market was reformed. European leaders wanted nations to trade together and share institutions. The idea to form a single currency was intended to secure peace and prosperity. Economists argue countries that use the Euro are paying a heavy price as the Euro-zone is lacking a system that can transfer resources from one part of the zone to another.
As there is one currency, there is one interest rate. However, there is no tax revenue for example to stand alongside a financial union. Unlike the United Kingdom or the United States, there is no real mechanism which can recycle taxes raised in parts of the Eurozone that are doing well to parts of the Euro-zone that are not doing so well.
Euro zone members lost important policy levers when they gave up their national currencies. If their economies struggle, how will they stimulate economic growth? They no longer have a national currency to devalue so that exports and employment levels increase.
Guests: Adriel Kasonta (Geo-political Analyst) and David Barkin (Prof. of Economics, Metropolitan Autonomous University)
The Debate - State of The Union Address
US president Donald Trump delivered his second State of the Union in a bitterly divided Washington on Tuesday. Trump attacks Democrats and Special counsel Robert Mueller in his address. Despite his divisive remark, he called for unity. The US president touched upon several domestic issues as well as global ones. They ranged from the immigration problem, to North Korean denuclearization, regime change in Venezuela, the Iran nuclear deal, the row over Chinese imports, US military presence in the middle east, etc. today we are going to discuss Trump’s State of the Union address.
Italy blocks EU statement on recognizing Guaido as Venezuela’s president
Italy has reportedly blocked a statement by the European Union that recognized the head of Venezuela’s National Assembly, Juan Guaido, as the country’s interim president.
Earlier, the Italian deputy foreign minister said a Libya-style regime change must be avoided in Venezuela. Meanwhile, Russia has warned against what it called destructive meddling in Venezuela after the US president said military intervention in the Latin American country is an option. A senior Russian official described any foreign intervention in Venezuela as an attempt to legitimize usurped power. Russia’s support for President Nicolas Maduro comes as several European countries have recognized Guaido as interim leader of Venezuela.
European signatories launch payment system to save Iran deal
China has praised the European Union's “determination” to keep a historic 2015 nuclear agreement with Iran alive by establishing a mechanism to facilitate trade with the country despite the "toughest ever" sanctions imposed by the United States against the Islamic Republic.
The European signatories to the nuclear agreement, officially known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), issued a joint statement on Thursday, announcing the launch of a long-awaited direct non-dollar payment mechanism meant to safeguard their trade ties with Tehran in the face of the sanctions.
Kasonta: “It’s laughable, people in the EU are laughing”
"It’s laughable, people in the EU are laughing” says political consultant & analyst Adriel Kasonta after Theresa May will have to go back to Brussels to get concessions to #WithdrawalAgreement.
EU says preparations for Iran SPV are at advanced stage
France says Europe’s financial mechanism for doing business with Iran will be established in the coming days despite US sanctions.
French finance minister, Bruno Le Maire added, the mechanism known as the Special Purpose Vehicle proves Europe is capable of resisting the US sanctions. Separately, Germany’s foreign minister said the European Union is close to setting up the SPV to side-step the US measures against the Islamic Republic.
The Debate - Brexit Uncertainty
British prime minister Theresa May is making last ditch efforts to win the MPs vote tomorrow asking them to back the deal “for the country’s sake”. She’s warned that failure to back her EU deal would lead to the collapse of the UK. May also welcomed the EU assurances on the impact of the deal on northern Ireland but MPs do not seem to be satisfied with that. what is going to happen in the British House of Commons on Tuesday as regards the divorce deal? what’ll be the right path for the UK either way, with or without a deal?
Особенности западного пиара: что для России - милитаризм, для Польши - патриотизм - Россия 24
Весь журналистский и политический истеблишмент на Западе охватила истерика. За всем, что на Западе идет не так, непременно стоят "проделки русских". Россия изображается западными медиа как страна, у которой нет права на свои национальные интересы. В то же время любое милитаристское действие в Польше или на Украине открыто приветствуется.
Beijing warns Washington over ship in South China Sea
China’s foreign ministry spokesman says Beijing has had stern words with Washington after a US Navy ship sailed through the contested South China Sea. Geng Shuang says the US warship, USS Chancellorsville, violated Chinese and international laws. The Chinese army also says it has sent ships and planes to watch the ship and to warn it to leave. According to the U-S navy, the vessel sailed near the Paracel Islands on Monday to challenge what it called China's excessive maritime claims. China claims sovereignty over most of the South China Sea and accuses the United States of raising military tension with its presence in the region.
Brexit insanity & American madness (E254)
The UK government appears to be in the process of collapsing. Barely had the ink dried on the draft Brexit deal than resignations and rumors of resignation followed including Theresa May herself. Such are the febrile times in which we are all living in the shadow of Brexit which seems to have hovered like a cloud over us for as long as we can remember. Although Theresa May has vowed to “see it through,” her role as leader hangs in the balance and the 48 votes of no confidence needed to trigger a leadership battle could still be sent. To look into this persistent maelstrom, you need a dispassionate eye. So, we invited Adriel Kasonta, a prodigious writer on politics and diplomacy both in the US and mainland Europe, including Russia. He joins us to tell us what he has observed.
CrossTalk on Ukraine vs. Russia: Dire Straits
It’s Ukraine vs Russia again. A minor maritime incident on the Kerch Strait is said to be anything between a major international crisis to a cheap campaign trick as Ukraine enters an election cycle. Take your pick. But one thing is for sure: Russia is deemed aggressive by the west when defending its sovereignty.
CrossTalking with Mary Dejevsky, Adriel Kasonta, and Michael Maloof.
Theresa May extends olive branch, calls for ‘different’ Moscow ties
“I’m not sure whether it is an olive branch and I’m not particularly sure if it’s an honest move from her” says political consultant Adriel Kasonta after Theresa May extends olive branch and calls for ‘different’ Moscow ties at a speech in London.
Kasonta: “It’s perfect for the UK government because Russia doesn’t allow extradition”
“It’s perfect for the UK government because Russia doesn’t allow extradition” says political analyst Adriel Kasonta after the government names two Russian suspects in the Skripal poisoning case.
Like a bull in a china shop Donald Trump’s style and negotiations skills were on full display at this year’s annual NATO gathering. He was not shy about how he feels about the alliance. Now the Trump-Putin summit is front and center. Will it be a mere photo op or something more?
CrossTalking with Charles Ortel, Adriel Kasonta, and Daniel McAdams.
Italy’s recent elections again demonstrate the EU’s neoliberal agenda is under continued pressure, even under threat. Where is this grand historic project going? How should we understand the Italian election results, the German elections, and Brexit in totality? Is the current leadership of the EU capable of governing effectively and in line with the wishes the people it claims to represent?
CrossTalking with Adriel Kasonta, Theofanis Exadaktylos, and Marco Bassani.
Doubts emerge over accusations against Russia in poison case (Skripals)
“The US is orchestrating with the UK, this dilemma for Russia, it’s a big game” says political consultant and analyst Adriel Kasonta as doubts emerge over accusations against Russia in poison case.
The Pentagon recently released its new Nuclear Posture Review. Its critics are stunned. Not only the use of nuclear weapons is now more thinkable, but the threshold for their use has been lowered. Doctor Strangelove would be proud. Is the world facing another dangerous arms race?
CrossTalking with Michael O’Hanlon, Kevin Kamps, and Adriel Kasonta.